Sunday, May 31, 2015

Dinner on the Lake

Our first trip to the lake for the year. We had a relaxing dinner cruising around the lake watching all the deer on the shore.

                                        Right after this picture it started pouring down rain on us.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Terrible no good bad day

This day was supposed to be very busy planting trials and getting things done. We left the house at 5 am to get a good start.  On our way to pick up the planter we got a flat tire.

Once we got the spare tire put on and went to get the tractor and planter the planter had drained the battery down on the tractor.  It was so dead that we had to use a charger and another tractor to get it started. 

Went to load the planter and the trailer had a low tire, go figure!

After a 3 hour drive to the trial location we got the tractor stuck in a field that appeared to be dry.

After digging and blocking and pulling we finally got it out.

Then when we finally got to start planting the trial the tractor almost got stuck again.  Then the GPS was on the wrong signal from satellite so the planter was acting up.  After troubleshooting the problem over the phone for 2 hours we finally got the trial planted.  

Right as we finished the trial a nasty thunderstorm rolled in and poured on us.
Our field is just north of Eckley right in the purple.  It hailed and poured for about 45 minutes.

We took the tractor and planter and parked it in a neighbor's shop to get out of the hail.

Field was flooded within minutes and roads were washed out.  It was a crazy day for sure.  On top of all this Jeff took Maxine's pills (Oops) my phone died and the trailer brakes shorted out on the way home.  We did get them fixed and got home about 1:30 am the next morning.  This post is a good example of one of our adventures.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Rerocking the Driveway

Two full loads of rock and the driveway is back to looking great.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Cartoons with the Boys

Saturday morning cartoons

Sunday Morning Cartoons, they must be watching a really good one!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

May rains during our planting season

This has been a very interesting start to our season.  In May we received over 5.25" or rain and that really messed up our planting season.  This is Todd looking at a sugar beet field in Gering, NE.  It is a little wet! We eventually got all the trials planted and now we seem to be off to a good start for 2015.