Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A visit from a old dance friend

My sweet friend Aubrie was in town for the week. She came and took one of my classes then we went out for coffee. It was such a treat to see her sweet face again. 

Monday, July 27, 2015

Backyard Buck

         We have had the pleasure of watching this buck over the summer months from the back porch.

He is a beautiful 4x4.  It has been fun to see how fast his rack is growing.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Buck and Katelyn visit

Buck and Katelyn came to visit us for the weekend. We put a lot of fun into a few days. 
New Belgium Tour
Horsetooth Lake
Estes Park

The Lake

Paddle Boards at the Lake

The girls showing off to the boys

Tandem Paddle boarding

When Todd and I were working on our tandem paddle boarding skills, he had the bass boat following us with the remote controlled trolling motor. We had some pretty crazy stares as we went in and out of the coves with the boat following behind.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Frog catch and release

This summer we have had a lot of frogs at the house. One night Jeff and Todd went on a frog catching spree. They caught about 30 frogs and released them down at the creek. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Hunting with uncle

Having Lunch

Learning how to stock animals
Shooting the Deer "Todd"
Shooting the Bear- Todd under the black pile

Sunday, July 5, 2015

4th of July with the Forsters

Beth and Brent

Squirt gun fight
Fishing buddies- Team Brent and Todd
Team Adam and Michael
Big Bass

Adam's Big Bass
More Fish
and More
Valentine, Nebraska's Fireworks and "Crash and Bash"