Another Adventure!!
Todd picked me up from work and we were almost home driving on a very snowy/ icy morning. Todd stated that it was time for me to have a snow driving refresher course. So we switched seats so I could drive and we went down an icy road that had open corn fields on each sides. I proceeded to show off my correcting skills after I let the tires slide a little. I didn't want to make the truck spin out to practice more so Todd said that I needed to do it again. I didn't want to so Todd improvised. The next thing I know he had his hand on the pedal and we spun out into a small irrigation ditch. Oops! We switched spots not saying much, then when the silence broke and he said "See you needed some practice." "Not that kind," I said. Todd then tried to get us out of the ditch while I called Jeff to come pull us out of the ditch.

Jeff came and pulled us out of the ditch. Poor Todd felt pretty bad about the whole thing, but he said it is more important that I learn how to save my life and the life of others when driving in the snow. I agree!
We had a good laugh after it was all over! |