Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Harvest 2014

We started the harvest year with the purchase of a dump trailer. This little trailer made our lives so much easier getting crops out of the field. Below are some pictures of our harvest.
Jeff and Todd checking out the new dump trailer

Todd combining a corn trial

Beth "The pilot car"

Lots of corn

Todd dumping his corn

I came to pick up Todd from cleaning the combine. He had a lot of help from our pack mule friends.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Carving Pumpkins

We had a great time carving pumpkins with our nephews and Tara this year. This was Levi 's first year to carve a pumpkin. He was not impressed at first, but later dug into the fun. We collected all the seeds and roasted them. They were delicious!
Teaching Levi to dig out his pumpkin

Levi digging into his pumpkin

The boys and their pumpkins, the little one in the middle is for their new baby coming at the end of spring.

Todd and Beth's pumpkins. I used a drill to design my pumpkin and Todd carved the Browning logo into his. 
Todd's design at night

        Our pumpkins only lasted 4 days in the hot sun, so these happy campers enjoyed them!
Otis and Doc

The boys enjoying our pumpkins