Saturday, July 14, 2012

VBS - All Star Sports Camp

This last week I had the pleasure to teach cheerleading at our church VBS- All Star Sports Camp.
This was like no VBS I had ever been to. The kids got to pick an elective sport for the week. They could choose from; volleyball, football, soccer, tennis, karate, cheerleading, basketball, media or arts and crafts.  We had 250+ kids a day!! On Friday "bring a friend day" we had 300+ campers!! It was wild and crazy but most of all a great week of celebrating Jesus!!  


 The cheerleaders had a blast! Our group had about 15 girls a day! The girls learned 4 cheers, a dance and how to tumble and stunt. Each day we had a coach huddle were we discussed the theme of the day and our camp bible verse.  One day we were talking about "Sacrifice". How God sacrificed his son for us, so we can live with him forever. I shared how I had asked Jesus into my heart when I was young. I then asked if anyone would also like to share. One little girl raised her hand and shared that she was spending the night at here grandparents and she could not sleep. She stated she could not figure out why, then all of a sudden she knew! " Jesus wanted to come into my heart!" She told us that she prayed and then went right to sleep!! Wow is GOD GOOD!! We had 4 cheerleaders give their hearts to Jesus that day.

It was a great week of fun and many stories. By the end of the week I was exhausted with a light sun burn and a swollen foot, but it was totally worth it!! Now time to rest up for the next adventure.

Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July Hike

Todd and I planned to spend 4 days in the mountains to celebrate the 4th, but as you know Todd and I don't just go on a hike we go on an adventure!

The highway was open where the High Park Fire had gone through. It was very sad to see so much of the forest burnt and homes burnt down to their foundations.

Sky line view 

 The fire jumped the river.

We hiked about 9 miles. It was a fun hike, I only fell in the creek one time!! Todd laughed " I forgot you always in up falling in the water." I told him "Graceful ballerinas are not Graceful hikers!

When we got to camp, we caught some brook trout, took a swim, had dinner and went to bed before the sun went down ( that's a first for both of us in years!).

 In the morning I did yoga and became one with nature........

OK.. NOT REALLY, this picture was just a good laugh!

After a wonderful breakfast we planned on hiking to some fishing holes, but for some reason when I put my left hiking boot on it felt like a knife stabbing through my ankle.  So after contemplating the rest of the trip, we decided to head back to the truck.
 So I popped some Advil and started the hike back. I made it about half way and I could not take the pain anymore. SO....I wore my flip flop the rest of the way. Now that was an adventure! Hiking in a flip flop for 5 miles!

We made it down in good time, and I only had 4 blisters and one badly bruised ankle. We plan on going back after we buy me some new boots!!!

 On the way home we passed a travel trailer that stated " Been There Done That" We started laughing and I said " Oh yeah!! Have you hiked in a flip flop,  almost drown in a bass boat on Lake Powell, or fall off a mule named "Hannah Montana" because her saddle did not fit her!

 I didn't think so... I will keep you updated on our next Adventure!!