Friday, July 29, 2011

Weekend With Jenna

What a treat!

Jenna in Colorado.

We had three full days of pure fun, new memories and a lot of good laughs.

Jenna and I enjoying Todd cooking dinner for us.

My man hard at work with dishes

Estes Park

Jenna and my dream buck!

Jenna loving the snow in July

Girls on a hike to the top

Sunday Home Spa

Our Spa! We had a blast.

Steaming the face and hair.

F.Y.I. Banana's do not belong in your hair.... We found out the hard way.

Two crazy girls covered with with more fruit and veggies then you would ever put on a salad.

It was crazy and it was fun! We had such a great weekend. luv ya girl!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Weekend Hike Above Weston Pass

Starting the day off right with a good cup of Joe and a breakfast burrito.

I loved this tree, we had to take a picture

Todd looking at the elk

Just over the first pass

the look outside our tent after the hail storm

Me and my new sleeping bag "Fluffy".

We are the best of friends!!

Snow in July at 12,500 feet

Our state flower

We came home a little sun burned and soar but had a blast!

Just another great adventure.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Camping with the Forsters

We ate, slept, played and laughed. What a great vacation!