Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bethany's First Zwieback Batch

A family tradition is to enjoy hot Zwieback from the oven.
Today I concord my first batch (with the step-by-step help from my mom via phone) and they turned out pretty good (I am still surprised)!!
This is a learned art that takes time and many batches to get it right.
As you can see in this picture the Zwieback on the right the oven was too hot, creating the "ugly". The Zwieback on the left are the "Pretty", that is "Pretty good tasting!
Now I only need to make them for another 30 years and I will have it down!
Thanks Mom for a fun day!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Camping Oct 8 2010

Todd and I took off and went camping. It was a true adventure. The first night we camped in the snow and the second night in the rain. We woke up Sunday on air mattress islands in our wet tent (the tent had a leak). We both looked at each other and said let go home!
It was a beautiful trip and fun memories.

Weekend Home with Family

Tara's Baby (ZACHARY) shower

Me and Dad

Me and Mom
I had a wonderful time home with family. I miss them all!

Manager Dinner Denver 2010